Regression interpretation#
Let’s consider how adjustment works in regression by considering a so called ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) setting. Imagine, there’s treatment variable that we’re ineterested in,
To tie ourselves down with a context, consider
Since I’m going to be making the same plot over and over, I defined a function that
fit the ANCOVA model using sklearn
plotted the data as
versus with orange versus blue for treated versus notadded the fitted ANCOVA lines plus the marginal means (the means for each group disregarding
) as horizontal lines
Note, the adjusted estimated treatment effect is the difference between the two parallel sloped lines. The unadjusted estimated treatment effect is the difference between the two horizontal lines. Let’s look at how adjustment changes things depending on the setting. First we’ll do our imports and then define a function that will make our plot for us and fit the ANCOVA model.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import copy
def myplot(x, y, t):
x1 = x[t == 1]
x0 = x[t == 0]
y1 = y[t == 1]
y0 = y[t == 0]
xm1 = np.mean(x1)
xm0 = np.mean(x0)
ym1 = np.mean(y1)
ym0 = np.mean(y0)
X = np.array([x, t]).transpose()
out = LinearRegression().fit(X, y)
b0hat = out.intercept_
b1hat = out.coef_[0]
b2hat = out.coef_[1]
plt.scatter(x0, y0)
plt.scatter(x1, y1)
col = sns.color_palette()
plt.axhline(y = ym0, c = col[0])
plt.axhline(y = ym1, c = col[1])
xlim = [np.min(x), np.max(x)]
ylim0 = [z * b1hat + b0hat + b2hat for z in xlim]
ylim1 = [z * b1hat + b0hat for z in xlim]
plt.plot( xlim, ylim1)
plt.plot( xlim, ylim0)
Let’s consider out model with
n = 100
x = np.random.normal(size = n)
e = np.random.normal(size = n)
t = np.random.binomial(1, .5, n)
beta0 = 0
beta1 = 1
beta2 = 4
y = beta0 + beta1 * x + beta2 * t + e
myplot(x, y, t)

Notice that the marginal means (horizontal lines) are about 4 units appart, same as the lines. This is due to the randomization. A goal of randomization is to make our inference for the treatment unrelated to whether or not we adjust for the confounding variable (
myplot(x + t * 4, y, t)

Now notice that there is a large unadjusted difference (difference between the horizontal lines) whereas there is not much of a difference between the lines. That is, when adjusting for
myplot(x + t * 4, y - t * 4, t)

Above notice that the result is the reverse. There’s little association marginally, but a large one when conditioning. Let’s look at one final case.
myplot(x + t * 6, y - t * 2, t)

Above things are even worse, the relationship has reversed itself. The marginal association is that the orange is above the blue whereas the conditional association is that the blue is above the orange. That is, if you fit the treatment model without